Immerse yourself in the epic adventures of Ramayana Vol. 4: Kishkindha Kandam, a timeless classic by Valmiki, masterfully translated by Manmatha Nath Dutt. At Lector House, we pride ourselves on offering literary treasures that inspire and enlighten our readers. This volume vividly captures the alliance between Rama and the monkey king Sugriva, setting the stage for the battle against Ravana. With beautifully preserved authenticity and storytelling, it's a must-have for any devotee of this ancient epic. Experience the magic of Ramayana and deepen your understanding of its profound wisdom – only at Lector House.
Ramayana Vol. 4: Kishkindha Kandam
Valmiki, Manmatha Nath DuttISBN
₹ 1495Binding
Lector HousePublisher
Lector House LLPSubject
Folklore & Mythology, Religion